

We’re Jeremy, Valantina, Xavier (company namesake) and Aurora.  We created Xavier Darwin Lifestyle to showcase products and content that promote a healthy life.  We’re a small family business offering our products on Amazon.


is a voracious student of all things Genetics; her, lifelong passion.  She’s also a loving, dedicated, and protective mama to Xavier and Aurora.


is an IT-geek who grew up with an Atari 2600, Commodore, and a shiny TI-99/4A, all of which sparked a technology fire in his mind.  Technology takes a back-seat, though, when cuddles from Xavier and Aurora are available.  That, or Date Night.  Or a good skate with the hockey team…


came into the world 5 weeks earlier than expected and hasn’t stopped amazing us since then.  He’s wise beyond his years with a memory like a steel trap, acquired from his mama’s similar brilliance.


was an early arrival, too, and did it in dramatic fashion causing a frantic rush to the hospital through crowded city traffic.  She arrived on her own terms, sparing mama anything but surprise and love.

Besides our products sold on Amazon, we hope you enjoy the FREE XD Lifestyle health and wellness content that we’ll regularly share on our website and social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and YouTube).

As a VIP Member, you’re automatically part of our XD Lifestyle Product Insiders who have a chance each month to win a $25 Amazon Gift Card.  This Amazon Gift Card automatically becomes a $50 or $100 prize if you also Like us on Facebook and Follow us on Instagram.

Thank you from our family to yours as we all navigate this health and wellness journey to live life better.

All the best,

Jeremy, Valantina, Xavier & Aurora

Jeremy, Valantina, Xavier & Aurora
Xavier Darwin Lifestyle | Live Life Better

Xavier Darwin Lifestyle


USA Headquarters



9711 Washingtonian Boulevard
Suite 550
Gaithersburg, MD 20878
United States of America





Canada Headquarters



60 Atlantic Avenue
Suite 200
Toronto, ON M6K 1X9




1-888-XD-LIFE5 (1-888-935-4335) 

© 2017-2019 Xavier Darwin Lifestyle | Privacy Policy


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